Settings in Particle Dissolution Simulation

The features of general GUI for diffusion simulation have been demonstrated in Section Settings in General Diffusion Simulation. In this section, we will present the features of the special GUI for dissolution simulation, which can be accessed through "PanDiffusion → Dissolution Simulation", or by clicking on the Toolbar.

Settings for units, number of grids, geometry, interface flux model, thermal history and output profiles follow the same way as those in general GUI. The phases are selected globally in dissolution GUI. There is no regional setting in dissolution simulation. The global phase setting follows the same way as the general GUI.

Set Alloy Composition

In the dissolution GUI, overall composition of an alloy is set in the following section:

Figure 1:  Alloy composition in dissolution simulation GUI

Set Matrix and Particle Information

Matrix phase and particle phases are explicitly selected in the “Phase Information” section. There can be more than one particle phases. For each particle phase, particle radius and volume fraction need to be set up.

Figure 2:  Matrix and particle information in dissolution simulation